font-family: rocinante-titling-variable, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-variation-settings: ; Art Scheufler | Contemporary Art | Brasília | Newton Scheufler | Serie
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Minimalist Painting

Minimalist Painting

The Nausea

The Nausea


Solitude: Chronicles of the year of the Plague



El Constructivsmo e Latino Ameica

El construtivismo en Latino America

Estudos sobre smetriae equilíbrio

Symmetry and Balance Studies

Estruturas elementares

Elementary structures of everyday life

Retratos de Homens de Bem

Portraits of Good Men

Redon, mon père

Redon, Mon Père

Lições de Anatomia

Mr. Scheufler's Anatomy Lessons

O Estrangeiro

The foreigner:
Humani corporis mysterium

Crônicas Oceânicas

Oceanic Chronicles

Mensagem para Fernando Pessoa

Message to
Fernando Pessoa

Paella com Chucrute

Paella with Sauerkraut

Ensaio sobre o Feminino

Essay on the Feminine, cultures and tissues

Cerrado [engraving]

Cerrado [engraving]



A Tragédia Humana

The Human Tragedy

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